Tuesday, July 31, 2012

DSDN112 - Interactive Objects - Senses

Just three basic ideas, mostly based off theory. Need to select one or two to try prototype and develop off. Mainly focusing around both touch+sound sense.

  • Textural Rubix Cub:
    • The idea of a rubix cube solves using a different sense other than eyesight, removing eyesight completely and having to solve by texture and touch, possibly sound?'

  • Internal Liquid Tube/Guitar thing:
    • Different materials, nylon, wool, cotton, metal, etc stringed though the inside of a PVC pipe with different slots to cut of  a liquid that fills a quarter of the pipe, this creating different chambers with different volumes that would be editable. The idea was sound density would change when strings pulled though different volumes of mass. 
  •  A Pin like  Trumpet:

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