Sunday, May 6, 2012

DSDN101 - P2 - One Word Film: Brainstorm, Initial Ideas

Draft idea for my word, "Vortex" the word breaks up into its letter form instead of word as they as sucked towards the center of the scene, think a vacuum of black hole, this process repeats itself, a few times till a mass of words form in the center,  eventually the word enlarges from the gathering mass and screen turns white, parts of the original word fly into the scene.

The initial idea behind ooze was to apply human like features to text, the idea of something non-human but more synthetic getting an infection of some sorts, inanimate objects becoming sick or catching a virus. The purpose of this was to give it a reason to ooze, so for example, a grazed knee gets infected, puss can ooze depending on how serious the infection can be, etc.

Bubblegum, was the thought behind this, the way when after being chewed, can stick to surfaces, or to additional lumps of gum. When you pull a gumball apart far enough, tiny stringy pieces of chewing gum begin to dangle and form the space created. Thus explaining the wrapper type form at the end, the gum spat back into the wrapper.

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