Sunday, June 17, 2012

DSDN101 - The Clip - Final Film.

Final film for the clip, with new added sound!
I hope you enjoy the snazzy elevator music, I know I did.
Doesn't everyone?

Untitled from Saiyangoat on Vimeo.

All of the sound effects used are from

The "elevator" music was an open source .mp3 from a user on soundcloud "Hellavadar" who had the song listed under "Free to commercially use" "Free to modify"


All digital scenes were draw frame by frame, the thing that disappointed me most about this was masking the textures I had created on to paper, which it didn't agree with some of the surfaces/lighting. Therefor strange shapes where the bricks overlapped or double edged appeared. Since I was using "Trasm"(sprite/pixel tool) to mask textures aswell as create them.

Another thing that disappointed me was that the pixel art I did create for this was in such a high resolution, that when placed into the video and re-sized, they no longer looked as pix elated as I would have liked. Also, some of the images were out of alignment.

And the way iMovie decided to compress all my images. -___- 
Quality loss on full screen.

Other than those two things, I think the outcome was decent, but I feel I could have done better, if doing the pixel art didn't become so tedious that I slowly began to loose interest in trying to fix them up, since every frame had to be drawn on separately(250).

DSDN101 - The Clip - Without Sound

Hmm, what sound would a computer make while digitally drawing.

Stopmotion - without sound. from Saiyangoat on Vimeo.

Friday, June 15, 2012

DSDN101 - The Clip - Papercraft Scene(unedited)

Just to get a feel of what the last 13second will turn out like. 
 Every scene that is prolonged (0.1+ seconds longer) - Is where digital elements appear, which haven't been added yet.

A sleepless weekend is due and well needed to pump the rest of my digital elements within my stop motion. Still need to add transitions into scenes from when things switch from Digital to Physical, not going to lie they will probably be general fades or hordes of spites rampaging across the screen to hide elements I can't be bothered editing as I'm currently lost for ideas on my transitions. >_____> Rooftops of "paper-buildings" will be covered later on, as they are going to accumulate a digital form. Thus the idea of going back between 3D/2D planes.

 At the end of where the screen goes black, the buildings are going to be de-constructed by space invaders/alien type sprites, and return to their two-dimensional form.

Untitled from Saiyangoat on Vimeo.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

DSDN101 - The Clip - Digital Scene

First 17seconds of my stop motion, which would be the only digital part of my clip. After this, translates to a physical paper crafted world, with the character being printed out of a "paper-craft" printer, labled "A New Way of Seeing" as my transition from 2D to 3D.
Need to speed up in certain areas.

First 17seconds. from Saiyangoat on Vimeo.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

DSDN101 - The Clip - Digital Scene

Digital Scene/Setting remade(2DWorld), to fit the resolution of photos captured for still motion clip. Has some minor details missing from what has been shown in storyboards due to length/time it takes to crate an image pixel by pixel.

 Especially in this resolution. If I generated the image out of shapes, I could get transparent pixels and distorted coloring. therefor I felt this would be the more effective way, in terms of "look".

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

DSDN101 - The Clip - Texture Masking Test

Essentially, I had an idea which has made me want to go from 2D Digital forms, to 3D paper-craft to 3D Digital(animation timeline in sense?...)(I also feel this would help explain my idea of interaction between 2D/3D planes more)

The paper-craft transforms into a "pixel" version of the scenery, aiming for the whole "retrospective" computing feel, as mentioned in my 300 world write up.

0:00:1:00 seconds. Pixel bricks start creeping up paper buildings, along with simplistic lines. I find the clip slightly too fast, and it looks bad, although video is just a second. Experiment with idea more.

Another development video to try gain a feeling of how things will turn out, before I decide to go ahead with masking textures, as I feel It could also lessen quality, for when scene is re-shoot.

Untitled from Saiyangoat on Vimeo.

A version with a slightly longer delay, easier to see than above.

Overlay Test - Slowed from Saiyangoat on Vimeo.

DSDN101 - The Clip - Interm

Unedited Video, images chucked together with a 0.2second delay. Trying to get the feel of motion that I want to achieve in between frames and the movement of objects.

Also a rough idea in the direction my final video is going to be heading.

Untitled from Saiyangoat on Vimeo.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

DSDN101 - The Clip - Storyboard

DSDN101 - The Clip - Idea Explained

General Idea + Explanation of how I'm going to show ideas in my stop-motion.

DSDN101 - The Clip - Storyboard Images

Storyboard(10) Images
64/16/8bit Pixel art mixture.

DSDN101 - The Clip - Characters

Possible character + alterations.
 64bit Pixel(s)

DSDN101 - The Clip - Test Samples

DSDN101 - The Clip - Standpoint

Focal point: Media+Design

The idea for project 3 "The Clip" was of how new technology these days are allowing the use of  - " 2D and 3D worlds interacting with one another, Fabrication of 2D digital realities in a 3D world."  

For example, how a cell phone or handheld can become an interface to connect with the 2D world(virtual also), or even how we perceive a movie with 3D capability on its screen, the screen being its 2D plane/surface or even this idea in reverse, how now though technology we  have the Xbox 360 kinect and motion rigging, anything equivalent that could detect and use elements and movements from one plane and translate to another.

To create and show  forms on 2D planes I have gathered  ideas, shapes and forms from some of the most renown retro gaming  medias such as, Space Invaders, Defender and Pac-Man  with a slight influence of the Habbo-Hotel  style, I intend to try and hint at these "retro-medias" with small references throughout certain clips of my stop motion.  To achieve these "retro" forms I felt use of a slightly polished version(s) of the pixel art style(16/32bits mixture)  from the 70s-1900s would be effective. Inspiration for this idea came from a videos I found on Vimeo titled "My Desk is 8-bit"( Alex Varanese. 2010. My Desk is 8-bit) [Stopmotion], aswell as "Pixels"(Patrick Jean, Matias Boucard. 2010. Pixels. [Short film]. New York.

 Both medias  show evidence of the digital world, of which the forms originally existed on 2D planes  or had the idea of existing 2D planes that begin interacting with a more physical world, I intend to take a spin off this idea by using the more retrospective 2D world interacting with 3D forms, with the use of paper craft models and masking pixel work over objects via Photoshop. 


Alex Varanese. 2010. My Desk is 8-bit. Retrieved from:
Patrick Jean. 2010. Pixels. Retrieved from:

Gizmodo. 2012. Retrieved from: (2011) Retrieved from:

Habbo Hotel. 2004. Sulake Corporation Oy. Retrieved from:

 Space Invaders. (n.d.) Retrieved from:

DSDN101 - The Clip - Brainstorm