Friday, June 15, 2012

DSDN101 - The Clip - Papercraft Scene(unedited)

Just to get a feel of what the last 13second will turn out like. 
 Every scene that is prolonged (0.1+ seconds longer) - Is where digital elements appear, which haven't been added yet.

A sleepless weekend is due and well needed to pump the rest of my digital elements within my stop motion. Still need to add transitions into scenes from when things switch from Digital to Physical, not going to lie they will probably be general fades or hordes of spites rampaging across the screen to hide elements I can't be bothered editing as I'm currently lost for ideas on my transitions. >_____> Rooftops of "paper-buildings" will be covered later on, as they are going to accumulate a digital form. Thus the idea of going back between 3D/2D planes.

 At the end of where the screen goes black, the buildings are going to be de-constructed by space invaders/alien type sprites, and return to their two-dimensional form.

Untitled from Saiyangoat on Vimeo.

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