Wednesday, October 3, 2012

DSDN112 - A Menu + Color + Whatevers New(ish)

And after a long day of procrastination...
I need to stop helping others with flash T___T  
Color scheme is still 'iffy' at the moment but it will do for now. Added functional buttons + sounds(WOO!) oh, and a menu, well a generic feel of what the menu(s) will be housed in, will possibly change when I input data.

Icon labels, since I can't physically create this environment I felt the need for lables to help with navigation... I feel as if it adds a nice little techy aesthetic, but that's probably just me.

Hand in the background, essentially, I don't want it there, lets be honest, a giant grey hand, but I feel it helps communicate the idea in sense, color change? maybe. Hope to animate finger by finger If i have the time, as other more "important" animations need abit of a nudge and tweak.

Note: Icons are still place holders. 

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