Thursday, October 4, 2012

DSDN112 - Project 2 - A - Final

Orbi+, the interface of that I have created for project two has been created around the envision of possible futuristic technologies in the not so far future., say five to ten years, give or take, according to the research I had done.
Orbi+'s main focus is around the idea of human augmentation, the idea of adding something synthetic to enhance or  "improve" natural human characteristics.  With Orbi+ I had taken a turn in research to the currently in development "Cybernetic  Contact  Lens" and utilize this as the platform or in terms "how" my interface actually works.
What my interface actually does?  you may wonder, what I envision my interface to do is something like external "terminator vision" the ability to know how to navigate an area just by scanning and observing its external and internal structures with simple scanning principles and  "pop" them out into user-friendly maps  2D or 3D, I've also incorporated applications or "features" that would benefit the general student, a voice recorder, MyVictoria(TimeTable) Connectivity and other organization tools.  My interface has been designed for more multi-hand and gestural control rather than point and click, or touch.

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