Sunday, October 28, 2012

DSDN112 - Graphics WIP and Current.

Just a minor update really, while I procrastinate and decide what to work on next.
Animated rings around fingers need to be added, but masking fingers are the moment is frustrating me, because. Yeah.

Animation in holographic window needs to be added, might start working on that now. Above screen caps are just of my horrible masking techniques and what has been working out so far/what I have left to do. I hope to have at least the interface fully animated and functioning with in the next 3-4 hours as planned for the clip, so I have time to polish up on Monday or Tuesday before hand in.
 Also, I have a headache, and I blame whoever reads this. Sup.

OH. Also, id like to point out that my idea had to be changed, since the week has just be absolutely terrible to me and cameras and myself don't share any type of functional relationship. Therefor I had wasted 2 days filming several people for useless footage that likes to get corrupted when you transfer it form SSD to HDD. Fun times to be had by all. 

So, in the end I've just compiled a small 1 minute clip( on my iPhone(so much more reliable. =____=;; in 720p) that shows the application in use/being used by an individual. To be honest, ism quite disappointed in myself and technology at the moment.

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