Thursday, September 13, 2012

DSDN112 - Addional Rough Concept(s) Aquired.

So, I went and done another rough concept, yay. So after I actually finished this, I felt it was more of an adaptation or improvement on my previous not really a concept because of similarities, probably just the dome shape at the end of the Kelburn Campus map, but hey, concepts.

Thoughts, well. So far I've felt that my concepts, although conceptual have been too.. restricting for a futuristic interface and doesn't grasp the whole concept of being "futuristic".

When I think futuristic, I think of freedom. Digital freedom, customization, infinite, transparency, matte, sleek, fathomable, light, reflection, class, three-dimensional, fourth-dimensional and those are just what currently come straight to mind, however more research may be needed to improve "envisionment".


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