Starting sequence from second image from the top left, as you can see I've redesigned the lay out to use sort of a thumb to finger function as means of navigation, I will animate the hand in accordance to items clicked in flash so you can still see/interact as you would with any other interface being designed for this assignment, as I feel a basic circle would be boring, even though we show interaction with in the video.
Moving on... as you can see in the second and third re-drawn images I have added basic labeling to show an understand of what does what etc, as well as the menus I wish to include, Map/Nav Menu, Weather and MyVictoria Access, I am still thinking of other basic additions. The Main Display/"Manifestation Nexus" will act as a sort of AI, soft of like Jarvis from the Iron Man series, but rather used as more of a notifier, this feature is still debatable.
The fourth image shows how the interface is mostly gesture based, the "pinching" motion with your thumb and corresponding icon brings up desired menu, for this example the navigation menu.
With navigation, I've decided to merge a Hybrid-Type map, that allows the user to view map data three-dimensional as-well as two-dimensional views, while in third-dimensional mode, the user is able to move their thumb to rotate the 3D map and see details/pin-point locations.
Finally, the fifth image, is another indicated of gesture based control, the user closing his/her fist to end interaction/hide all menus, where as the opening of a fist would be to reactive interaction and bring back all menus.
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