Friday, August 17, 2012

DSDN112 - Getting down to details.

BleelllehehrherehrehrhrgggSince attesting this weeks lecture and going though the slides again, I feel... compelled to start creating things, the little details that will make the object more appealing, well one would hope.

So, i've decided to make a little logo for my paint jars, since they contain one of the main ingredients of my project chemical x a mixture of Non-Newtonian (corn starch+water+some food coloring) and  water based paint so essentially (water+cornstarch+paint+food coloring).

Anyway, I've came up with the name "Audi-Visual" for my object / its branded 'paints'  and rough ideas for a logo.

Looking back at it, sound paint really was awful from the start, mock me. Nein.

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