Sunday, August 12, 2012

DSDN112 - Update and Todo list.

A nice simple, butted list of what I need to get done, make decisions on and get doing to start taking my object into the direction of final.

  • Look into materials, such a timber/wood/tree?... and their properties when dealing with sound-waves. Acrylic is yucky and tacky, but that's my opinion. 
  •  Wire up battery.
  • Add dial, to change volume/frequency(higher freq/volume, more splatters / projectiles!)
  •  Decide if I want to be able to move the speaker while its playing, rotation, angles etc.
  • Add slot for paper or canvas roll to be pulled down.
  • Water-proof speaker cone.
  •  Block off switch area.
  •  Decide either its a sound painter device or optical illusion.
  • Fix change switches to toggle on/off and not flick switch function.

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