Sunday, August 5, 2012

DSDN112 - Written Proposal&Storyboard.


Interactive Objects, as for mine I intend to create an interactive object that focuses and perceives on senses of touch and sight. I plan on using the perspective of pain, but in small amounts by using the basic concept of a hoax pen and or a shock pen.

The object I plan to create focuses on using the use of touch to receive small little "surprise"  shocks upon interacting,  each shock will let off a magnetic pulse via, electromagnetics within the device entirely depending on the factors of time/option, the longer the user endures the surprise shock, the larger the result, if the user tries another option, the larger and longer the result, as magnets will let off random pulses, the outcome should be completely different each time.

When the magnets become activated from user interaction a coarse like material either, Ferro-Fluid or Iron-filings will react to the new found magnetic fields, these fields will change the shape, form and visual appearance of these materials, thus the term "Visualizing pain".

When these materials encounter magnetic fields or pulses they in turn, create visually appareling "spiked forms" these should vary as mentioned above with the factors of time / exposure / option(s) that are presented on the device. Essentially, the idea of a negative feeling becoming positive from visual appeal.

Rough, storyboard as followed.

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