My device Orbi+ an Augmented Holographic Multipurpose Device / Assistant.
Feeling two sided about this, as a few things are missing from the original design due to difficult to place certain objects where I had wanted them too.
I feel as if I could have explored the tool more thoroughly than shown if difficulties with actors not showing and technical defects both times, which is honestly leave me to blame for not double checking my cameras.
Chris Scott DSDN112 Orbi Final from Saiyangoat on Vimeo.
What I like about his project is just the feel of the device, something small, compact and futuristic, possibly, possible. Animations could use improvement but I feel they work for how the device is animated.
Monday, October 29, 2012
DSDN112 - Original Clips, Thoughts, etc
Raw clips for other scenes that I had planned to use, essentially I
had actually ran out of time, due to the time it took to learn the
drawing tools with in After Effects. I also have a series of clips for
inside Vic also, will add other clips when Vimeo upload limit resets
Originally, I wanted to have the user do a quick run though with the application, then show more of the navigation system/method with use of augmentation and masking walls to show direction.
IMG 0733 from Saiyangoat on Vimeo.
IMG 0735 from Saiyangoat on Vimeo.
Originally, I wanted to have the user do a quick run though with the application, then show more of the navigation system/method with use of augmentation and masking walls to show direction.
IMG 0733 from Saiyangoat on Vimeo.
IMG 0735 from Saiyangoat on Vimeo.
DSDN112 - Update.
Just an update.
So its 5am, all the footage I edited for my other minute has somehow corrupted
The raws also won't open. So, no inside of buildings for us.
Seeing as this had happened, I had spent 3 hours attempting to recover, no
bueno, my fault really, I need a more reliable camera/make backups more than
once when I actually don't own a camera. :')
Below is the footage I have all polished up, no audio as of yet. shows the device in a real-life scenario, animations and how its controlled.
Pre-Final No Audio, Error check. from Saiyangoat on Vimeo.
DSDN112 - I wanted to procastinate.
So I did.
Animation and animated graphics are now completed. Graphics for windows and finger masks(yea I finally went there) still have yet to be implemented.
Priority: Window graphics.
Secondary: Sound / Music.
Third: Finishing off detailing, atmosphere and feel.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
DSDN112 - Yesterdays Progress
Just a quick snippet I forgot to upload last night, you know, being 3AM and all.
Will upload final and a few test snippets with in the next couple of hours.
Draft Render_008_Orbi_Nav from Saiyangoat on Vimeo.
Will upload final and a few test snippets with in the next couple of hours.
Draft Render_008_Orbi_Nav from Saiyangoat on Vimeo.
DSDN112 - Graphics WIP and Current.
Just a minor update really, while I procrastinate and decide what to work on next.
Animated rings around fingers need to be added, but masking fingers are the moment is frustrating me, because. Yeah.
Animation in holographic window needs to be added, might start working on that now. Above screen caps are just of my horrible masking techniques and what has been working out so far/what I have left to do. I hope to have at least the interface fully animated and functioning with in the next 3-4 hours as planned for the clip, so I have time to polish up on Monday or Tuesday before hand in.
Also, I have a headache, and I blame whoever reads this. Sup.
OH. Also, id like to point out that my idea had to be changed, since the week has just be absolutely terrible to me and cameras and myself don't share any type of functional relationship. Therefor I had wasted 2 days filming several people for useless footage that likes to get corrupted when you transfer it form SSD to HDD. Fun times to be had by all.
So, in the end I've just compiled a small 1 minute clip( on my iPhone(so much more reliable. =____=;; in 720p) that shows the application in use/being used by an individual. To be honest, ism quite disappointed in myself and technology at the moment.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
DSDN112 - Completed Storyboard, minus the context
I like illustration, k.
Will type out revisited idea of context later, but for now hopefully this revisited illustration explains the jest of it, essentially filming the Wellington train station commuter scene, editing my "device" into anyone that pulls out a cellphone or their hands are in a friendly position for me to do so while their moving. Have an actor(already sorted) amongst the crowd, etc etc.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
DSDN112 - P2 - Film - Context + Storyboard
Here is a rough film Storyboard for project 2, part B. Became more of the back story or "Context" of my interface design. Rough idea will revolve around medical devices that allow human augmentation and how these have improved life etc, whilst slowly moving into a "revolutionary" type of advertisement.
Still thinking on ideas, but thats the one that has been sticking in my head so far. I was also thinking about interviewing myself, but, I felt silly. :)
Thursday, October 4, 2012
DSDN112 - Project 2 - A - Final
Orbi+, the interface of that I have created for project two
has been created around the envision of possible futuristic technologies in the
not so far future., say five to ten years, give or take, according to the
research I had done.
Orbi+'s main focus is around the idea of human augmentation,
the idea of adding something synthetic to enhance or "improve" natural human
characteristics. With Orbi+ I had taken
a turn in research to the currently in development "Cybernetic Contact
Lens" and utilize this as the platform or in terms "how"
my interface actually works.
What my interface actually does? you may wonder, what I envision my interface
to do is something like external "terminator vision" the ability to
know how to navigate an area just by scanning and observing its external and
internal structures with simple scanning principles and "pop" them out into user-friendly
maps 2D or 3D, I've also incorporated
applications or "features" that would benefit the general student, a
voice recorder, MyVictoria(TimeTable) Connectivity and other organization
tools. My interface has been designed
for more multi-hand and gestural control rather than point and click, or touch.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
DSDN112 - A Menu + Color + Whatevers New(ish)
And after a long day of procrastination...
I need to stop helping others with flash T___T
Color scheme is still 'iffy' at the moment but it will do for now. Added functional buttons + sounds(WOO!) oh, and a menu, well a generic feel of what the menu(s) will be housed in, will possibly change when I input data.
Icon labels, since I can't physically create this environment I felt the need for lables to help with navigation... I feel as if it adds a nice little techy aesthetic, but that's probably just me.
Hand in the background, essentially, I don't want it there, lets be honest, a giant grey hand, but I feel it helps communicate the idea in sense, color change? maybe. Hope to animate finger by finger If i have the time, as other more "important" animations need abit of a nudge and tweak.
Note: Icons are still place holders.
Monday, October 1, 2012
DSDN112 - WIP - Icons ( Placeholders)
Generic set of place_holder Icons, will come back to icon design when buttons / other functions are completed.
DSDN112 - WIP - "Futuristic" Animations" + Redraw.
Basic Animation.
So, playing around with animation tweaks, cross-converting etc, Flash decides it doesn't like my graphics, as you can see below everything went pomf, and decided to invite all their little pixel buddies to the party. But, more of less, gave me a basic idea of animation.
WIP 1 PixelatedToTheStars from Saiyangoat on Vimeo.
So, this happened.
After becoming frustrated and annoyed at the hateful entity that is Flash CS5.5 for Mac, I decided to ditch apple and re-draw everything on my desktop PC, woo. + tablet <3. Anyway, before I get side tracked, all graphics ended up being re-drawn in flash so I had native running vector files that could easily be edited and changed without having to use any other programs, graphics remained the same but with some minor tweaks and such.
As you can see, animation below shows somewhat... a form of development I guess. Yay. LongParagraphicsBecauseViemoConvertsSlowly.
DSDN112 DigitalInterFace PalmOS from Saiyangoat on Vimeo.
Exported at a low-setting, so final product will look 100% better than that horrible video.
To Do List | Whats Done. ( ETAs)
Completion by Wednesday Night, Thursday to go over and refine+feed back, possibly refine animation abit more smooth because when you see it, it'll annoy you, so I hope you don't notice what I just noticed. :)
Anything that is crossed out has been completed, I will upload them one by one as soon as menus and maps have been completed. Numbers next to them is a rought estimate on how far I am on topic / eta.
This was created for the sole purpose of me tracking my own progress, but I posted it here anyway.
So, playing around with animation tweaks, cross-converting etc, Flash decides it doesn't like my graphics, as you can see below everything went pomf, and decided to invite all their little pixel buddies to the party. But, more of less, gave me a basic idea of animation.
WIP 1 PixelatedToTheStars from Saiyangoat on Vimeo.
So, this happened.
After becoming frustrated and annoyed at the hateful entity that is Flash CS5.5 for Mac, I decided to ditch apple and re-draw everything on my desktop PC, woo. + tablet <3. Anyway, before I get side tracked, all graphics ended up being re-drawn in flash so I had native running vector files that could easily be edited and changed without having to use any other programs, graphics remained the same but with some minor tweaks and such.
As you can see, animation below shows somewhat... a form of development I guess. Yay. LongParagraphicsBecauseViemoConvertsSlowly.
DSDN112 DigitalInterFace PalmOS from Saiyangoat on Vimeo.
Exported at a low-setting, so final product will look 100% better than that horrible video.
To Do List | Whats Done. ( ETAs)
Interface Graphics.100%. ETA: Completed.- Detail Graphics. 60% ETA: Tuesday.
Buttons. 100%. ETA: Completed.- Menus.
Navigation100%. ETA: Completed.Weather100%. ETA: Completed.- Application Menu 0% ETA: Tuesday.
- My Victoria 0% ETA: Tuesday.
Interface Graphics, redrawn as vectors.100%. ETA: Completed.- Icons. 50% ETA: Tuesday.
Interface Animation.100%. ETA: Completed.Color Scheme Option(s).100%. ETA: Completed.- Picking a Color Scheme. 20% ETA: Wednesday.
- Maps 2D. 70% ETA: Tuesday.
Maps 3D.100%. ETA: Completed.- Maps Hybrid. 60% ETA:Wednesday.
- "Nexus" Center piece animation. <This one may not be done, as I've forgotten how to emulate a particle service in flash.>
Completion by Wednesday Night, Thursday to go over and refine+feed back, possibly refine animation abit more smooth because when you see it, it'll annoy you, so I hope you don't notice what I just noticed. :)
Anything that is crossed out has been completed, I will upload them one by one as soon as menus and maps have been completed. Numbers next to them is a rought estimate on how far I am on topic / eta.
This was created for the sole purpose of me tracking my own progress, but I posted it here anyway.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
DSDN112 - Paper Prototype - 12 Images
Although these are rough(not too happy with the out-come), some even copy+pasts from old concepts merged with existing concepts to show the ideas I want to get across I may come back and edit later. Icons are still in need to be made but I'll begin that as soon as all my other graphics are completed for the flash interface.
I shall come back and add more + edit this post.
DSDN112 - Wireframe
My wire-frame, more or less. I feel as if i need to add more to it, so I may come back to this later, as I'm having trouble of thinking of "features".
I just feel that having too many features will defeat the purpose of creating a navigational interface because it would soon manifest into something different. Although I have been deep in thought, thinking of adding something to do with social-networking as It seems to be popular amongst the masses(because physically socializing is in decline :')), after reflecting, drawing, redesigning things for them to try fit purpose, It felt pointless.
Things like, friend tracking and such, why would that need to be interrogated into something for the purposes of finding your way from point A to point B to even point C. Sure! you could say I'll meet you here to someone and mark that location and get directions from your device, there's no need to invade the privacy of others, including your friends and essentially stalk their whereabouts.
But that's just my thoughts on the interrogation of social-media into something fit for navigational purpose.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
DSDN112 - A rough idea with researsh on the side.
Eye-lashes are facing the wrong way. :(
Just a rough idea of how the use would visually see the interface, I wanted to step-away from integrated bio-chips and focus on something more like micro or nano-technology in sense.
I also wanted to try keep everything I'm creating focused on upcoming or in-development technologies, nothing overly si-fi or non-realistic, but still unique.
As much as I hate leeching off wiki, here are two articles relating to the development of contact lenses based on bionic and nano technologies.
DSDN112 - Holographic/Argument Re-visited.
Starting sequence from second image from the top left, as you can see I've redesigned the lay out to use sort of a thumb to finger function as means of navigation, I will animate the hand in accordance to items clicked in flash so you can still see/interact as you would with any other interface being designed for this assignment, as I feel a basic circle would be boring, even though we show interaction with in the video.
Moving on... as you can see in the second and third re-drawn images I have added basic labeling to show an understand of what does what etc, as well as the menus I wish to include, Map/Nav Menu, Weather and MyVictoria Access, I am still thinking of other basic additions. The Main Display/"Manifestation Nexus" will act as a sort of AI, soft of like Jarvis from the Iron Man series, but rather used as more of a notifier, this feature is still debatable.
The fourth image shows how the interface is mostly gesture based, the "pinching" motion with your thumb and corresponding icon brings up desired menu, for this example the navigation menu.
With navigation, I've decided to merge a Hybrid-Type map, that allows the user to view map data three-dimensional as-well as two-dimensional views, while in third-dimensional mode, the user is able to move their thumb to rotate the 3D map and see details/pin-point locations.
Finally, the fifth image, is another indicated of gesture based control, the user closing his/her fist to end interaction/hide all menus, where as the opening of a fist would be to reactive interaction and bring back all menus.
Monday, September 17, 2012
DSDN112 - Additional Research, kinda.
So, since I assume I'm heading down the path of doing something, somewhat different with the idea of human argumentation for my navigational interface, I decided to look into what technologies we currently have available today and whats currently being developed by science firms that specialize in prosthetic(s) and other "real-life" human argumentations.
Below is a short documentary about the video-game Deus Ex: Human Revolution this 12minute short film shows the technologies from the video-game such as bionic eyes and limbs then compares them to current tech. I found this video somewhat... amazing, actually as the technology from a si-fi series surprisingly, almost scarily close to that of depicted in the distant future of 2027.
Below is a short documentary about the video-game Deus Ex: Human Revolution this 12minute short film shows the technologies from the video-game such as bionic eyes and limbs then compares them to current tech. I found this video somewhat... amazing, actually as the technology from a si-fi series surprisingly, almost scarily close to that of depicted in the distant future of 2027.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
DSDN112 - Handography.
DSDN112 - Another Concept | Idea | Thing.
I don't even know what to say about this really, I wanted to try the idea of a 3D interactive interface, so in sense, the interaction of a shrunk, portable, virtual environment for the purposes of navigation.
DSDN112 - Addional Rough Concept(s) Aquired.
So, I went and done another rough concept, yay. So after I actually finished this, I felt it was more of an adaptation or improvement on my previous not really a concept because of similarities, probably just the dome shape at the end of the Kelburn Campus map, but hey, concepts.
Thoughts, well. So far I've felt that my concepts, although conceptual have been too.. restricting for a futuristic interface and doesn't grasp the whole concept of being "futuristic".
When I think futuristic, I think of freedom. Digital freedom, customization, infinite, transparency, matte, sleek, fathomable, light, reflection, class, three-dimensional, fourth-dimensional and those are just what currently come straight to mind, however more research may be needed to improve "envisionment".
Thoughts, well. So far I've felt that my concepts, although conceptual have been too.. restricting for a futuristic interface and doesn't grasp the whole concept of being "futuristic".
When I think futuristic, I think of freedom. Digital freedom, customization, infinite, transparency, matte, sleek, fathomable, light, reflection, class, three-dimensional, fourth-dimensional and those are just what currently come straight to mind, however more research may be needed to improve "envisionment".
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
DSDN112 - One rough concept.
So, I did a quick digital sketch. Cause' you know, I could.
Not my best sketch I've ever digitally illustrated and it sickens me, but as time is of the essence I figured it doesn't really matter since their just conceptual ideas... rough conceptual ideas.. of which direction I would like to pursue, per-say.
So, in this basic sketch I included the things I usually use with a few additions from other options GPS devices use, like a digital compass/location finder. As you clearly see, the options are labeled such as a timetable for when classes are, a hybrid map for finding locations think... Google earth? I guess, If i were to base anything off this I'd have to refine and make that feature more unique, a battery indicator, since something needs to power said device, right? - Can look into alternative energy sources(kinetic, bio, heat, etc).
Pictures should be self-explanatory.
p.s, I need to remind myself to read though this and edit it since I don't really read what I type half the time. :) hmmmm, probably polish these drawing up to a high-standard too, if I feel the need, which I do.
Not my best sketch I've ever digitally illustrated and it sickens me, but as time is of the essence I figured it doesn't really matter since their just conceptual ideas... rough conceptual ideas.. of which direction I would like to pursue, per-say.
So, in this basic sketch I included the things I usually use with a few additions from other options GPS devices use, like a digital compass/location finder. As you clearly see, the options are labeled such as a timetable for when classes are, a hybrid map for finding locations think... Google earth? I guess, If i were to base anything off this I'd have to refine and make that feature more unique, a battery indicator, since something needs to power said device, right? - Can look into alternative energy sources(kinetic, bio, heat, etc).
Pictures should be self-explanatory.
p.s, I need to remind myself to read though this and edit it since I don't really read what I type half the time. :) hmmmm, probably polish these drawing up to a high-standard too, if I feel the need, which I do.
Opacity probably needs editing, but you know. w/e - Random street photos that aren't in New Zealand/Wellington because I'm lazy. <3 Sup. |
You can't read it, so click Here. :) |
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Inspirations, Ideas and thoughts: 001
Seeing as this is going to be a digital navigational interface, I wanted to think out side the box, although, I fear everyone is going to be doing something that relates to Hyper-reality or Argument-Reality, therefor I could prove to become unoriginal amongst the masses. However, besides the first post I did, here are more inspirational images and such I want to try incorporate ideas from as many as possible.
Being a half-blooded comes in handy relating to pop-culture half the time, seeing as I grew up with an extensive Asian background which lead to watch alot of Chinese and other foreign cartoons and just happens to still stick.
An example of Argumented-Reality, would be the image above, a device that allows the user(s) to see virtual images in three dimensional space, in other words reality. I would like to use something like this in my storyboard/video, the idea of both digital and physical realms? really interests me, as it is something that is not only in development by companies like Microsoft and Google Android but it has also been shown in thousands of Si-Fi movies and video games, an on going, ever evolving idea, which I would wish to refine for the use of navigational purposes.
Other things I was looking at were more physical, interactive devices, such as a "map-orb" thingy, from another cartoon I follow, as shown below.
The way the author of the series designed this spherical device was compact, a small sphere that uncompressed to show holographic images of an area, inside or outside depending on what the user wants to view or has discovered and mapped. I liked the idea of an object that projects into something bigger, the idea of compact and space saving, the ability to set markers which would show up on a user heads-up-display.
RE: from Bram Snijders / SITD on Vimeo.
This video is a demonstration of exploring and merging alternate realities. What I like about this is although simple, it shows a slowly merging and unwinding of the digital and physical worlds, if I were to use this as a navigational element, I would light up certain buildings, foot paths, etc to show the user what direction to head in, routes to take, etc.
Augmented (hyper)Reality: Domestic Robocop from Keiichi Matsuda on Vimeo.
Although I already posted this, I liked this, in terms of detail, the person who created this short film paid attention to detail it makes me ask myself, if hyper-reality did exist would advertising actually be like this? Millions and millions of virtual windows cluttering your personal space upon waking up in the morning, going for a walk outside? Is this truely the evolution of consumerism? etc.
Being a half-blooded comes in handy relating to pop-culture half the time, seeing as I grew up with an extensive Asian background which lead to watch alot of Chinese and other foreign cartoons and just happens to still stick.
An example of Argumented-Reality, would be the image above, a device that allows the user(s) to see virtual images in three dimensional space, in other words reality. I would like to use something like this in my storyboard/video, the idea of both digital and physical realms? really interests me, as it is something that is not only in development by companies like Microsoft and Google Android but it has also been shown in thousands of Si-Fi movies and video games, an on going, ever evolving idea, which I would wish to refine for the use of navigational purposes.
Other things I was looking at were more physical, interactive devices, such as a "map-orb" thingy, from another cartoon I follow, as shown below.
The way the author of the series designed this spherical device was compact, a small sphere that uncompressed to show holographic images of an area, inside or outside depending on what the user wants to view or has discovered and mapped. I liked the idea of an object that projects into something bigger, the idea of compact and space saving, the ability to set markers which would show up on a user heads-up-display.
RE: from Bram Snijders / SITD on Vimeo.
This video is a demonstration of exploring and merging alternate realities. What I like about this is although simple, it shows a slowly merging and unwinding of the digital and physical worlds, if I were to use this as a navigational element, I would light up certain buildings, foot paths, etc to show the user what direction to head in, routes to take, etc.
Augmented (hyper)Reality: Domestic Robocop from Keiichi Matsuda on Vimeo.
Although I already posted this, I liked this, in terms of detail, the person who created this short film paid attention to detail it makes me ask myself, if hyper-reality did exist would advertising actually be like this? Millions and millions of virtual windows cluttering your personal space upon waking up in the morning, going for a walk outside? Is this truely the evolution of consumerism? etc.
DSDN112 - Current Navigational Systems and Methods
Defining the term, "GPS", GPS stands for global positioning system, The system consists of about 20 satellites, each containing an atomic
clock. Each satellite continually broadcasts a signal announcing the
position of the satellite and the time according to its clock. This is
done to great accuracy and with high precision. A GPS receiver collects data from 3 or more satellites, and by measuring
the differences in received times from different satellites can fix its
position to an accuracy of a few feet.
On the more personal side of navigation we have things like our cellphones which mostly these days have applications such as the Google on the iPhone iOS or Android device(s). These applications act like fully featured personal GPS systems that are mobile within or with out a vehicle and use cellphone towers in conjunction with satellite to pinpoint your exact location via the "Locational Services or Where-Am-I function(Varies on device).
The other side of the navigational coin, the non-digital or more physical navigation we have things such at Global Atlases, local maps, information boards, street signs and painted arrows even the old magnetic & non-magnetic compass.
The Pros and Cons of Auto-Navigational Systems.
GPS and how it works, (na), retrieved from: in the world of digital navigation and navigation interfaces there are many brands and types of Global Positioning Systems or more commonly GPS devices, a majority of these branded devices(TomTom, Garmin) are for use within a vehicle, though hand held versions of these are also available.
On the more personal side of navigation we have things like our cellphones which mostly these days have applications such as the Google on the iPhone iOS or Android device(s). These applications act like fully featured personal GPS systems that are mobile within or with out a vehicle and use cellphone towers in conjunction with satellite to pinpoint your exact location via the "Locational Services or Where-Am-I function(Varies on device).
The other side of the navigational coin, the non-digital or more physical navigation we have things such at Global Atlases, local maps, information boards, street signs and painted arrows even the old magnetic & non-magnetic compass.
The Pros and Cons of Auto-Navigational Systems.
- Digital Navigational Systems, Pros.
- If a vehicle based GPS, you can locate a vehicle if stolen/lost via cellphone or an internet based service.
- Track your route no matter where you go, making it possible to retrace your steps in order to find your way back where you started.
- Some GPS devices and be used as Digital Compasses rather than telling you where to go.
- Digital Navigational Systems, Cons.
- Map data could be out-dated, due to new roads, buildings etc, which makes it near impossible to have accurate data at all times.
- Devices could have problems working inside buildings or dense forestry areas, in hindsight this could prove to be a problem in cities or in New Zealand in general, as we have areas were road is indeed covered in dense forest/vegetation.
- Batteries, even if rechargeable, could become a hassle, as the device is more likely to always be active depending on what type or brand it is.
- They do not recognize things in front of the user, rivers, mountains etc.
- Can prove to be costly.
- Physical Navigational Systems, Pros.
- Physical Hard-copy of recent map data, usually correct, updated every so often/few years. Sold by most stores, can be inside information pamphlets.
- Most commonly used, road signs, navigation arrows, etc.
- Physical Navigational Systems, Cons..
- Tear and ware over time.
- Layout could be difficult for those foreign with maps to read.
- Harder to pin-point a direct route to location.
Images of Current Digital Navigational Interfaces. |
Sunday, August 19, 2012
DSDN112 - Final, Images
These are the final images showing basic function of my interactive object. The idea behind was to try create something visual from sound, this works by using vibrations from a bass speaker and controlling the various attributes of frequency, vibration and volume.
When 'alive' and hit with enough force, the liquid is forces to start creeping up a rod inserted by user at where it begins to branch off and slowly reform as liquid, liquid scriptures with sound waves. However, slightly disappointed as this function would prove hard to achieve at times, photographs were done last minute which I regret completely as I couldn't get this function to replicate in time.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
DSDN112 - Paint Jars :') + Update
DSDN112 - Frequency, so this happened.
So, the frequency tuner I took of out of an old radio appeared to be broken, so I stole one of these 'Dimmers' which function the same way a tuner would, but has the potential to blow my speakers, as it controls volt/amp levels that travel in the current.
DSDN112 - The story so far. - Inc, wall of text.
Current Box. |
Another ones trash, is an others uni project?... |
The resolve... this lead me to focus more on the visual aspect, while trying to find a way around the additional speaker requirement that I have ended up lacking. I started looking into manipulating the forms that are created, rather than painting, so in terms more focuses on "Sculpting With Sound" Sound Sculptures? rather than painting, as I have limited time.
Moving on... a cover for the speaker cone. |
So moving on from my dilemma, I decided to start focusing on the clean-ability of the object, which lead me to create a simple cover, which would lock-in a plastic film over the speaker, only issue with this is that it "IS" required for the process to work, but will need replacing every time liquid is changed. Shouldn't cause a large problem though.
Along with this, I've decided to stick with using a basic wall A/C Adapter as my power source for the object, though I do heavily regret this a pack of batteries isn't cutting the effect I'm after, so, the adapter stays.
So I went to the junk palace... 3$ SUP. |
Paint + Water-proffer in one can, who would of thought.
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